Making a Summer Writing Schedule

Summer! The only season where you have time to get outside but the heat and mosquitoes make it impossible. Right now, it is 9:16 am where I live, and it has already risen to nearly 85F. (And it just keeps going up). When you're stuck in the air conditioned house due to oppressive heat and a bad reaction to mosquito bites, what better thing to do then write? cream would be nice. 
Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

Tell me if you can relate: School gets out. You are hoping you have lots of time to work on projects, finish stories, develop that plot that's been sitting in your mind attic for a month. And what happens? SOMEHOW, summer gets filled up with all sorts of things and you barely get anything done. 

The answer to this? A SCHEDULE!!

Here are some tips on how to create a working summer writing schedule:

1. START EARLY. You've probably seen this all over the place for setting up good schedules. It needs to start early--from the minute you get up. Let's say you're not a morning person. How would this work for you? Put your alarm on the opposite side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Double catch? Don't turn it off till your bed is made. Getting to snap off that alarm will be the reward for making your bed. That will give you an early start. Then you may sit by a window and sip some tea for half an hour or so. For morning people, this shouldn't be a problem. Look for what needs to get done. Focus on getting your room tidy or last night's laundry folded. Having these things done increases positive vibes.

2. PLAN AHEAD. Look at your whole week. What sort of things are you already committed to? Maybe it's one of those weeks where you're booked every day (sorry folks, no vacancy!). Find out what your priorities are and manage your time schedule. I find that this is a good thing to do every morning. A cup of chai in one hand and a planner in the other. It shouldn't take more than 5 min to go over. If you are in Middle School or High School and aren't living on your own yet, find out what your parent's plans for the week are and see if those plans include you or not. If so, the schedule may need some re-adjusting.

3. FIND THE EMPTY SPACE. What part of the day is usually the emptiest? When you usually aren't doing much? For me, it is from about 11:00am-12:30pm or so. But it is different for everyone. You need to find your own empty space, and utilize it.

4. MAKE TIME. It is so easy to become distracted. Sometimes we need to set aside a certain part of our day for writing. Remember that corner of empty space in #3? That's where this comes in. Designate an hour or so for just writing. When do you find that you are at your creative peak? Set the timer and write for a whole hour. It might not be that story your trying to bulldoze through. It might just be exploring writing prompts, poetry, editing or blogging. But as long as you're writing. If you do this every day at around the same time, it will become a force of habit.

5. BUSY WEEKS. Lemme name a few popular ones: Father's Day Weekend, Week of the 4th. Labor Day. There's one for nearly every month, not to mention regular old family business that pops up like vacations or visits. HOW AN EARTH DOES ONE WRITE?? That's where it gets hard. This is also why starting early is important. If you know you have a busy day coming up, set out your stuff the night before so it's ready to go. Maybe your sacred writing hour will have to change temporarily. Morning people may have to get an evening hour; night owls may have to get a morning hour. Just make sure you GET that hour.

6. VACATIONING. Vacations. They take us to new places. They also take up time--lots of it. Involving both fun and frustration, they tend to fill our plates to the edge. So while getting ready for a vacation and on vacation, how does one maintain a writing regimen? Question: while on vacation, does one even WANT to maintain a writing regimen? This is where it may be wise to tone down the intensity of your writing. Perhaps carry a small pocket notebook. When an idea or phrase hits you, scribble it down quickly. If scenery strikes you with inspiration, scribble that down as well. When you come back from vacation, go over your scribbling and root out all the good stuff.

If you have found a way to sneak hardcore writing time in during a vacation, then sir (or miss) I applaud you. You have won my respect.

7. OBSERVATION. No matter what the season, observation is key to inspiration. Sounds, sights, smells. Reach out with your senses and you will discover all sorts of wonderful elements to add to any story. Summer is a time where there is so much to see and hear and do. Swimming in lakes or pools, catching fireflies as well as bug bites, sunburns, barbecues, and fireworks that explode into thousands of colored embers. Throughout this season, what will you take with you into your art?

- Start early and plan ahead. These are key
- Find the empty space and designate a special hour to writing.
- Busy weeks and vacationing take up lots of time. Sometimes you will have to improvise. But always get that hour.
-Observation is key to inspiration

Now, for goodness sake, is anyone up for a swim?

Let's Chat! 
1. When do you find you have the most time for writing? 
2. Is summer usually busier or more vacant? 
3. What is your favorite season? 


  1. I find I have most time for writing at night.
    BUSIER a hundred times busier!
    I LOVE fall

    1. Yes, fall is amazing!! Strange, isn't it, that the only season you're out of school is the busiest of all? (Conspiracy...) Lol. :)

  2. I have most time for writing at night, depending on whether or not I have work.
    My summer actually can be more busy than during the school year! It's very odd.
    I like the spring when it just starts warming up and you can open the windows in the house and let fresh air in during the mornings and the temperature is just right when you sit outside. Also there are lots of comforting spring showers and storms that I absolutely love! Plus, water polo season is around that time for me and that is always enjoyable.

    1. Water polo? That sounds fascinating! Do you play? I've heard of it but never even seen it before. Spring is really such a lovely season and I think rain storms are just particularly aesthetic to writers, idk . Rain always seems inspiring! :)

    2. Yep, me and my brother play water polo for a home-school high school team. It is really fun and you can YouTube it or watch in during the summer Olympics. YES! Rain for some reason is gloomy to others, and inspiring for writers.


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