
Showing posts from April, 2019

Book Recommendations from March & April

A ll of us have heard countless times (maybe nearing the brink of annoyance) that to be a good writer you should read and read and read and read and reeeeeeaaaaaddd. Despite the repetition of this sentiment, it is true. Well it's been two months and I finally have my second set of recommended reads. :) Photo by  Nicole Honeywill  on  Unsplash The Wonderling by Mira Bartok Fantasy This story centers around a Groundling given the name Number 13, (or Arthur as his dear friend, Trinket, later renames him) and a awful and mysterious home for Groundlings. The writing style is very classic and lovely, and I can't praise the illustrations enough.  Return of the Dapper Men by Jim McCan Graphic Novel This is a phenomenally illustrated 'comic' (though I don't really want to call it that. It was in a comic section in the library so...there you go). It is a story set in the town of Anorev--a place between time. Time has no meaning there. And no adults either. The ent...

Dissociation with Writing

H ey guys. It's been awhile. Today I wanted to talk about something that I've been having some issues with lately. Maybe you can relate? This is dissociation with writing. I'm afraid I don't have any current tips on how to beat this, because I am still working through it myself.  Photo by  Steve Johnson  on  Unsplash So, in the sense that I'm using, dissociation with writing is kind of a distancing of yourself from the craft.  -You don't write in a long time, maybe you purposely avoid it. - Maybe you set writing aside for a little bit meaning to come back and never do. - Maybe it will even begin to feel like this craft isn't yours anymore.  Here was my process:  -Write write write write write -Shelve a project -Mean to come back to writing -Don't write in months -Subconsciously avoids writing -Sits down and tries to write but nothing happens -Doubts begin to creep in despite the passion for the craft Sound familiar?  Yeah....

Character Profile: Nikos

YEEEEE. Ok. Gotta tone it down a bit. (yeeeeeeeeee....) Here it is everyone! My first article relating to my novel, In Defense of Thieves. As you can pro'lly tell by the title, this is Nikos' Character Profile. (Also, I'll get a more interesting background picture eventually. I've just gotta pull out some inking pens and get a picture set for him). This will not be too lengthy, I promise. ;)  *** (Note: All of the things included will not be included in the novel. Some things included are just extra tidbits to help lay groundwork for this character. Author's rule: Whatever you write, know 50% more. I go over basic stats and appearance/skills/personality/basic background and a short bio summary).  Basic Stats  Name: Nikos  Sex: Male  Race: Human  Role: Main Character Hair color: black Eye color: brown  Skin tone: a little tanned  Age: Unspecified. Between seventeen and twenty.  Appearance Average height but shorter than ...