10 Things You Should Not Rely on During the Writing Process
W e all know that writing is tough. Transferring words from your brain to your computer screen or notebook is the most difficult short distance travel probably ever. However, there are a few things that writers should NOT rely on. Photo by Oli Dale on Unsplash Hello, friends! Today we're going to talk negative: things you should NOT rely on during the writing process. Things that become crutches to your creativity. 1. CHARACTER BANKS . NO. Absolutely 100% no. I've often used a name generator when I couldn't come up with a name, and that's fine. But character banks are like underdeveloped names and characteristics thrown together and pulled out of a recycling bin. I believe that authentic and unique characters are really essential to a story and character banks just don't deliver that. 2. INSPIRATION . Ya'll should know how I feel about this one! :) Inspiration is absolutely amazing! However, it IS sporadic and relying on inspiration alone will ...