The Gist with "Experience"
O ne of the things new writers are afraid of, (and even I, myself, am victim to this) is this idea that to be a writer or to have any chance whatever of writing professionally, you have to have years and years of "experience". Photo by Ilya Ilyukhin on Unsplash It applies to all different sorts of writing: blogging, essaying, poetry. There is this idea that no one can be any good until they've been at it for years. This isn't true. It is simply a fear that keeps new/young writers from writing their best. I, myself, have this fear (as irritating as that is to admit). This idea that maybe just because I started blogging last February means that this blog is basically trash. Or that I'm not a very good writer because I've only ever really got a decent amount of the way through ONE book. (Relateable anyone?) It's a weird, psychological thing. The truth: Just because you don't have a lot of experience with somethin...