Self-Imposed Pressure of the Perfectionist
A s writers and artists, we feel an indescribable amount of pressure whenever we're in a process of creating a masterpiece. Part of this pressure comes from the fact that we are basically giving birth to a brain child. The better percent of it is because we can't decide how to do that correctly. But a large amount of pressure is self-imposed and due to the inordinate levels of perfectionism we thrust upon ourselves. Photo by Felix Russell-Saw on Unsplash We've all looked back on things we wrote however many years ago, cringing and ashamed that your mind produced such a tangled mess of unmentionable whatnot. That's not necessarily a bad thing. This is the proof that your narrative voice and your skill has improved. But what about a present work? There are about a thousand things for the writer to worry about. Does the narrative sound dry here? Is my dialogue floppy? Is this story too cheesy? Are my characters lame, or cliched?Did I use too many adverbs?...